

Bunions are a common condition, especially among older folks and women. Below, you’ll find information on what bunions are, why they are likely to develop, and how they can be treated. If you or your loved ones have bunions and live near Gig Harbor, WA, visit the Gig Harbor Foot and Ankle Clinic and chat with Dr. James McAlexander.

Bunion Basics Explained

Bunions are small, bony lumps that form on the joint of your big toe. It’s also possible for bunionettes, or Tailor’s bunions, to form on your pinky toe. As a bunion develops, the top of the toe angles toward the other toes. Bunions can be extremely painful. In some cases, they can dramatically reduce your mobility. Unfortunately, bunions likely won’t be resolved without intervention.

Bunion Risk Factors

One of the primary causes of bunions is wearing shoes that don’t provide optimal support. High heels slide the foot forward and press toes together, as such, women are more prone to bunions. That said, many men also suffer from bunions. If shoes are too small, the outer toes could be pushed toward the inner toes, which over time may result in a bunion or bunionette.

Besides shoes, genetic factors could make folks more prone to bunions. If your family has a history of bunions or fallen arches, it’s a good idea to talk with Dr. McAlexander in Gig Harbor, WA, even if they have not yet formed. There’s a risk that for various reasons you might be more susceptible to them.

Bunion Treatment

The good news is that bunions are in many cases preventable, and if they have already developed, treatable.

For prevention, wearing the right shoes can go a long way. A podiatrist can help folks determine what kinds of shoes serve their needs. Further, orthotics and sole inserts may also help reduce the risk of bunions.

If bunions have already developed, various painkillers could provide relief. Icing your feet could also provide temporary reprieve. Changing shoes could reduce pain as well. In some cases, surgery may be required. Tissues can be removed, relieving pain in the short term. Further, joints can be fused together, reducing the risk of bunions forming in the future.

Visit the Gig Harbor Foot and Ankle Clinic in Gig Harbor, WA, for bunion relief. You can reach Dr. McAlexander at (253) 858 8100.

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